Ho scoperto un problema molto comune negli oblò dei Marieholm, le infiltrazioni d’acqua.
I problemi si riscontrano nelle guarnizioni ,sopratutto quelle relative ai vetri.
Per cui con pazienza mi sono messo all’opera e per vederci chiaro e ho contattato la ditta danese che ora produce gli oblo ovvero la ERTECK. (La vecchia ditta N.C.Bjerg e stata assorbita da quest’ultima)
A voi la risposta del Sig. Sam Shad di ERTECK.. penso possa interessarvi.
I discovered a very common problem in Marieholm’sportholes, the infiltration of water.
Some problems are found in the gaskets.
So I decided to contac the new producer of Marieholm’s portholes, a Danish company ERTECK (the old company N.C.Bjerg was bought from this company).
To you the answer of MR.Sam Shad from Erteck .. I think may be of interest to you.
Dear Gabriele,
We have been on a long vacation, so we have not been able to answer to your emails.
If your windows are leaking then the guilty gasket is most probably no. 1.
Gasket no. 1 can not be replaced.
Replacing gasket 4 or 3 wont make the windows water tight.
No. 4 is of course important but they are normally OK even after 20-30
No. 3 (a,b or c) have no sealing effect at all!

You can test if the gasket no. 1 is still working by performing a simple
– Take 1 of the leaking windows out of the boat.
– Place it on a flat table with the outer surface facing up.
Water leaks are easier to detect if the window is lifted some centimeters
from the table surface.
– Fill the glass surface with water until the water reaches the edge of the
– wait for some min. or more.
If the water is leaking through the window, then the problem is gasket no. 1!
If after 1 hour or so no water leak is detected, then the leakage is because
of 1) faulty gasket no. 4, 2) bad window installation, 3) too little overlap
between the outer frame and the hull.
You can buy the gaskets from one of dealers with webshop:
Hallberg-Rassy PARTS AB
E-mail: info@hr-parts.com
Website: http://www.hr-parts.com
Links to webshop:
Gasket 3a: http://www.hr-parts.com/contents/en-us/p679.html
Gasket 4: http://www.hr-parts.com/contents/en-us/p678.html
ERTEC Danmark ApS
Egestedvej 2B, DK-3320 Skaevinge, Denmark
Phone: +45 48 28 48 91, Fax: +45 48 28 48 92
Website: http://www.ertec.dk – email: ertec@ertec.dk
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