….finalmente in Italia… finally in Italy

“….Dreamer arriverà in Italia su un camion e cambierà proprietario, la sua storia non finisce qui, si chiude solamente l’interludio del nostro cammino mano nella mano.
Buon vento a te, e una felice sorte, piccola barca…”
Da queste parole di commiato ….riparte la con nuova vita “Dreamer”.
Ora adagiata nel Cantiere Nautico di Gilberto Crosera a Portegrandi- VE Dreamer è sotto completa ristrutturazione.

“…. Dreamer will arrive in Italy on a truck and need new owners, the story does not end here, it closes only the interlude of life’s journey hand in hand.
Fair winds to you, and a happy lot, small boat … ”

From these words of farewell …. “Dreamer” will start a new shine life!
Now lying in the Gilberto Crosera’s Shipyard in Portegrandi -VE Dreamer is under complete refit.

1 pensiero su “….finalmente in Italia… finally in Italy

  1. Great site Gaby, what a project………. your challenge now is not to finish the work on Dreamer (I know you will do that), but to keep your blog updated…….. and in 2 languages…..now thats a challenge! see you soon. Ciao Will

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